viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

Aprendemos jugando

Hola! Hoy les voy a hablar sobre una página para hacer juegos. Se llama EducaPlay y podés crear tu propio juego. Esta vez hicimos un crucigrama sobre La Comunicación y todos hicimos uno y acá está el Link por si lo quieren jugar:

martes, 11 de julio de 2017

Midge: A Beagle

Hi! I'm Loli and I hace this picture about a character that is on NPHC® This character is Midge! I couldn't made it with Piktochart, but i make it with PicCollage. Enjoy!

viernes, 7 de julio de 2017

Empezamos a programar

Hola chicos! Hoy les traigo una programación sobre ir al cine! Es esta:
1_Ver que películas hay
2_Elegir la película (Hora, día tipo)
3_Comprar la entrada
4_Compro pochoclos/comida
5_Ir a la fila
6_Entregar la entrada
7_Ir a la sala
8_ Elegir el asiento
9_Mirar la peli

Y este último es sobre lavarse los dientes
1_Ir al baño
2_Agarrar la pasta de dientes y el cepillo
3_Ponerle la pasta al cepillo
4_Cepillarse los dientes
5_Abrir la canilla
6_Enjuagarse la boca
7_Secarse con una toalla

miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

My Snowflake ❄

Hi! I'm Loli and we used an App called "PicCollage". We made snowflakes describing our personality, the things that we like, etc. We made this based on the NPHC® chapter " People are like snowflakes". Now, I let you with my snowflake!

Emojis: I like this because I use Emojis every day!

Mew: This is my favourite Pokemón. I like it because It's very cute!

Dogs: They are my favourite animal. I like them because they are very intelligent and friendly!

Undertale: This is my favourite game. I like it because It's very good!

Cute things: I like cute things because well, they are cute!

I like birds/pigeons: I like them because they are cute

I use ear laces: I like them because, well It't very comfortable!

I like toys: I like toys because they are soft and beautiful!

Atentive: This is the only thing I wrote about my personality. I'm very atentive because I pay attention to a lot of things!