martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

Helping Hands: Final Task ✋

Hi guys!I am Loli and I am from the project "Helping Hands" and our group is "Children's Rights". Our group was: Caro,Nicky,Manu.L, Juan and me. We talked about what are Children's Rights,also about Proyecto Aconcagua™ and Fundación Si™, we talked about comics that we made and more! ✋Caro (Speaker) ✋Nicky (Speaker) ✋Loli(I) (Speaker/Editor) ✋Juan (Editor) ✋Manu.L (Recorder) We had some complications... We discussed who was the speaker, some children discussed, we had a lot of shouts and more.But, we decided that Nicky,Caro and I were the speakers, I had to help Juan to edit, and also we said sorry to each other.

Derechos de Autor

Los derechos de Autor son un conjunto de Normas júrdicas que alguien que quiere publicar una marca pública pues debe ir para que le pongan Copyright. Entonces, si alguien quiere usar una marca, personaje, etc debe pagarle al autor, ya que él es el que le aplicó Copyright.

 Fors Cola fué acusado de copiar la imágen de Coca Cola

ThingLink: Cuerpo Humano

Hola! Hoy estuvimos trabajando con ThingLink. Pusimos, en cada parte, el nombre del órgano. Acá está mi trabajo: